Do I need a college advising organization?
Everyone, no matter your profile or where you are in the process, benefits from guidance. USP strives to provide families with a stress-free and successful college placement process.
Is the program going to be too expensive?
USP offers different plans that are designed to meet your needs and your budget.
Am I going to get enough scholarship money?
If admitted to our program, we guarantee to find the best school within your budget. We will fight to get you the maximum amount of scholarship and/or financial aid possible.
Will I have a say in my university selection? or Will my opinions be heard?
We work together as a team and always keep in mind your needs and goals. You make the choices and decisions with our advice and guidance.
Is my profile strong enough to get into college?
Of course! There’s a college for every student. We will build your college list based on your profile.
Which university will I attend?
Regardless of your profile, we guarantee to find the best opportunity possible: a school that gives you the highest chance of succeeding inside and outside the classroom.
What happens if I don’t find a school?
If you are admitted into our program, it is because we are certain that we will find a school that’s right for you.
Is it too late for me to apply?
Recruiting and admission timelines are key elements in a successful college placement. If admitted to USP, it is because we believe there will be enough time to achieve all requirements prior to the student’s college entrance term.
Why should I trust USP?
We have 28 years of experience plus 2,100 placed students and athletes. We invite you to see our testimonials.
I checked the website, and I have a few questions to ask.